Thursday, June 28, 2012

Can't To Party

The next morning (thursday) we spent entirely too much time trying to make the not-meant-to-be-scotland-party work out, & moping afterwards once it didn't. Chris, Jason and I decided to go outside to catch some of the rare and treasured sun-rays beaming down on Birkdale. As the sunshine lit our skin, so did it relight a fire within each of us for living, and living well. So naturally, we decided to make a movie:

The Revengers

It wasn't until just after the Birkdale premier of The Revengers that I learned of the Landslides in Scotland. BOOM! KACHOW! POW! Everything suddenly came together and made sense--the Lord was protecting us and fully intended for us NOT to go to Scotland and be trapped there or get swept away in a sneaky landslide. His timing, 12:24am rolling around, the tedious and slow planning--they were all a part of His good and perfect plan for us. I could not see it at the time, but upon coming through it all the Father gently, sweetly, and humorously reminded of his sovereignty, faithfulness, and altogether perfect will.

Additionally, I read from Elisabeth Elliot's Through Gates of Splendor today and noted these quotes:

"And how do i know it is His counsel? 'Yea, my heart instructeth me in the night season.' Oh, how good! For I have known my heart in speaking to me for God!...No vision, no voices, but the counsel of a heart which desires God."

" I am as sure of His direction as I am of His salvation."

"We have arrived at the destination decided upon in 1950. My joy is full. Oh how blind it would have been to reject the leading of these days. How it has changed the course of life for me & added such a host of joys!" 

Oh how good it is to be continually walking in God's will; knowing that, regardless of what happens, it all happens in order to glorify His name! As our hearts draw nearer to God, so they begin to increasingly desire what His heart desires. Psalm 37 says "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart". How beautifully everything was crafted to work together!

" I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free." -Psalm 119:32

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