Thursday, June 21, 2012

Life @TheBirkdaleHouse

Our company has been reduced to eight. Both Elaina and Sterling have now returned to America. Today has been strange, it is as if all day Birkdale has been missing something, floating in a dream-like & restless state waiting for their impractical return to shake us from said state. It is quite sad to see these two go, but joyous to look back on how each of them challenged and encouraged me. Oh and what a time we made of their last two days! 
Put simply: we merely enjoyed each others company to the fullest extent.

England vs. Ukraine Futbol Match at Cleveland-Bay Pub

"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them."  Acts 4:32-34 

Birkdale Baby

England has been challenging, but in ways altogether different than Camp. Here I am not constantly challenged to serve those around me, nor shepherding a cabin of young girls, nor having to Literally rely on the Lord's strength for lack of my own physical strength. However, I have been learning how to do ministry in a "real life" way with "real life" distractions and circumstances. Finding ways to bring up the Gospel in casual conversation with a British child who has been subjected to greater perversion than I have ever (undesirably) encountered at a secular university, has experienced such brokenness, & who simply has not been raised with the morals most Americans (regardless whether they're Christians) have. I have never been spoken to so derogatory than I have by the 13-16yr old boys we've encountered at the parks. In those moments, I have to pray for the Lord's strength in remembering that God created these boys, just as He created me, and longs for them to return to His heart. I am neither condemning nor condoning this people group which I have come to love, but rather presenting the challenges I have faced in ministering to them. 

Victoria Park, Thornaby
On a lighter note, yesterday we finally returned to Thornaby. My heart ACHES for Thornaby. It was quite sweet re-visiting the children we built friendships with all last week. I spent most of my time there with three kids--Lily, Elle, & Caden. The four of us played "Lost in the Jungle" in the bushes along the perimeter of Victoria Park, constructing a "house" using bamboo-like sticks for walls and giant leaves for carpet. We even broke off branches of flowers to decorate the "house" for Christmas. Possibly my favorite moment was when Lily grabbed hold of a low tree branch & began shaking it exclaiming, "Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!" (in a British accent) as Elle and Caden quickly ran under the tree to jump, dance, & laugh in the falling flowers of snow. These children reminded me of the simplicity of life, the joy with which we should approach all things, and the sweetness of friendship.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, 
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 
I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive
 the kingdom of God like a little child 
will never enter it"

This week we have been doing assemblies at Northshore Academy, playing three songs and having one person sharing their Testimony. It amazes me that the schools allow us to speak the Gospel so freely and share what God has done in our lives. Additionally, I have finally fulfilled my lifelong dream of being a drummer in a band--using Jason's guitar case to lay some sick beats.

O God let us be
A generation that seeks
That seeks your face
O God of Jacob

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